(07) 5438 8222 | info@chomleyfamilylaw.com.au

Same Sex Relationship

Same sex relationships

The Family Law Act recognises couples in same sex relationships whether Married or De-facto, have all of the same rights as heterosexual couples do. This means parties are able to enter into Binding Financial Agreements, Consent Orders, commence proceedings if necessary etc.

On the Sunshine Coast, servicing Birtinya, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Noosa and all surrounds.


Office Hours, Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5pm

Phone: 07 5438 8222

Mobile: 0474 000 251

Web: www.chomleyfamilylaw.com.au

Noel Burns House(Top Floor)
15/21 Nicklin way
Buddina 4575 QLD
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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